Credit Discovery Expeditions
Credit Recovery expeditions are built in partnership with schools and districts to redefine and engage students in immersive place based learning while recovering credits. We created this program to respond to the chronic absenteeism and drop out rates all over the United States. Our curriculum is based on English, Science, Humanities, and Math courses that we teach as we travel in cities and across the State.
We created this model because we saw some major hurtles for students to get quality education while recovering credits:
The options for credit recovery are all online and standardized so it makes it hard for students to apply the learning in their own lives.
Staffing credit recovery can be a challenge over school breaks or after school.
Recidivism rates- students who are in credit recovery in 9th grade, stay in credit recovery for all 4 years for the same or a different subject
Attendance rates - we know that attendance is down in high schools across the State, thus making it even harder for students to recover credits and pass their current course load. We wanted to inspire students with a new reason to come to school.
Types of Programming
We offer two forms of credit recovery expeditions: Day programs and Overnight programs.
Students receive 3 meals each day.
All transportation is provided. Students can be picked up from their home from each day or they can be dropped off at the school building.
We work closely with the school or district to enroll students. For example: In 2023 our pilot was for 10th graders Enrolled at Aurora Central High School in need of recovering an English and Math credit.
What community organizations do we work with?
We bring students to meet organizations working in the community as well as to engage with different types of business. Our goal is to expand students horizon and support them in resource mapping places and connections they can use in the future.
Our programs in Denver work with many community partners like, Redline Art Gallery, Denver Zoo, Nature and Science Museum, Boulder Open Space, MSU Visual Arts, Youth on Record, Legacy Auto Collison, and multiple other organizations.
What does this day look like?
Example Schedule:
BREAKFAST 8:00-8:30am
LUNCH 12:00-1:00am
SEMINAR 2 1:00-2:00pm
AFTERNOON MEAL 4:30-5:00pm
We use project based and community based learning as our pedagogy for building our curriculum.
We use real world problems in our curriculum. For example, we apply math to our surroundings by examining the downtown business district and exploring how locally-owned businesses impact the economy. In science class, we use the tributaries of the Colorado River to learn about healthy ecosystems and human impact on the environment.
Work With Us
School/District - We are working to expand our reach throughout the United States. Our current focus is expanding across Colorado to ensure we serve rural districts throughout the State.
If you are based outside of Colorado, we are super excited to talk partnership. We are only able to offer credit recovery expeditions at this time. Please reach out if your school or district is interested.
Guardian Ad Litem/ Truancy Court: We are a referral partner for multiple court systems and attorneys. If you work with a student who maybe a good fit part time or full time for our programs, please reach out to discuss the students unique needs and situation.
Families/Students- Give Anna a call and we can chat through next steps of how you can join us on the road. Anna- 615-517-4804
Community Partnership/Volunteering - Part of our model is to expand students social capitol, which means introducing students to more places in their community and people outside of their families . We always need volunteers and new connections, feel free to drop us a line to see how we can connect.
Email Anna Graves: agraves@fieldacademy.org